Tonight, we're gonna party like it's 1994. The best thing about our loss to Vandy is I didn't have to pull real hard for Auburn later.
In my mind, the moment in the game where we could've ended it (contrary to some of our players' thinking that the Tony Taylor interception ended things) was our offensive series with six minutes to go after the Vandy punter gifted us with a 6-yard shank.
As longtime Bulldog partisan Diamond Dave has said in these situations: "Our goal in life at that point is to run the football and kill clock." We threw the ball twice, effectively giving Vandy two free timeouts (with the VU facemask penalty and our subsequent drop) when we had effectively run the ball most of the game. Our offensive coordinator's fetish for throwing in clock-killing situations gave Vandy the time they needed to methodically march down the field and break our hearts with two seconds.
Enough of that. I leave the hard analysis to Ben and the others who really know what they're talking about.
Here's my thought on what happened yesterday. You've probably read that coal miners used to warn themselves about deadly gas buildups by taking a canary down into the mines with them. Since canaries are ultra-sensitive to poisonous gases, they were an early-warning indicator of trouble ahead because they would die, leaving time for the miners to get themselves out of peril.
In 1994, the canary died on homecoming day...major changes happened immediately from a coaching standpoint. The canary gagged and wheezed during Jim Donnan's three-year losing streak to Tech (But he had a winning record and we won five straight bowls! Note: You Don't Lose to Tech 3X in a Row. Ever. Ask Johnny Griffith. Thus endeth the lesson) CMR is light-years ahead of Ray Goff, and I believe CMR is the best thing to happen to Georgia Football in a long time. But the Tom Glavine Business School Approach our players seem to take with our opponents (Gee, Vandy's been so close this year against Michigan, etc...Vandy always plays us tight) and acting like this Vandy loss is like losing to legitimate perennial powers like UT, Auburn or Florida....well, I can hear the little yellow bird hacking it up now. Defensive coordinators, beware.
Go Dawgs.
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