Friday, October 06, 2006

Tennessee and the Art of Haiku

Check out this site: UT fans love poetry, and really love the haiku (link). Yours truly added one yesterday to their site, but I saved the best (or worst; I'm no poetry critic) for you.

Likkered-up dirtnecks
Passed out in streets of Athens
Orange same shade as puke

Remember, 5 syllables first line, 7 syllables second, then back to 5 syllables in the third.

Feel free to add your own in the comments section. Here are a couple of 7-syllable lines that I didn't have time to complete. Use these if you need to!

  • Children of the Corn Liquor
  • Won't need no stinkin' kicker


Anonymous said...

Dirtnecks Defeated
Tennessee Loss Repeated
New Q.B. Needed


Dawglicious said...

Phat Phil hangs fifty
Where is Brian Van Gorder,
Willie Martinez?


J-79 said...

Did ya'll ever catch the parapalegics that kidnapped your starting defense and wore their uniforms during the game?